Author Archives: attacc

CNRS cuts research positions by more than one-fourth in the last 5 years

CNRS (National Scientific Research Center) is the largest research center in France. It employes about 11.000 researchers and its domain of activity ranges from physics to sociology, from chemistry to electronics and so on. Every year researchers are recruited by means of a national open competitive exam. The selection is composed of two parts a… Read More

“GW renormalization of the electron-phonon coupling” talk at the Correlation Meeting 2014

Thanks to Francesco Sottile the video of my presentation at the “Correlation Meeting 2014” is online. In this talk I explain how GW can be used to correct the electron-phonon matrix elements, and improve the agreement with the experiments as Raman, phonons, band gap renormalization, superconductivity, etc…

GW renormalization of the electron-phonon coupling

My new presentation on the “GW renormalization of the electron-phonon coupling” is available online. This is the talk I gave to the “Correlation Meeting 2014” organized by Pina Romaniello. In this presentation I show that GW corrections are important not only for band structure and energy levels but they also renormalise the electron-phonon matrix elements…. Read More

A simple guide to s/d/c/z-gemm in Fortran

Since I do not use so often BLAS library for matrix-matrix multiplication, when I have to multiply two matrices with some rectangular shape or with additional operation I always get confused. So I decided to write a simple guide to c/z-gemm in fortran. 1) Simplest case two square complex matrices: A(N,N) and B(N,N) and I… Read More

How to display posts in the wordpress front page

I searched on internet for different solution, then I found one pleasant for my website. First of all I modified the style.css file to define a nice list in HTML. #MyList {     margin-bottom: 20px; } the I added the following PHP code in front-page.php: <center><h2><font color=#051A23>RECENT POSTS … </font></h2> <br> <ul id=”MyList”> <?php query_posts(‘showposts=3’);… Read More

Computer simulations for condensed phase systems

Computer simulations for condensed phase systems From correlated electrons to novel materials – Rome, 3-5th May 2015 The workshop “Computer Simulations for condensed phase systems: from correlated electrons to novel materials” will be held at the university of Rome, la Sapienza, on May 3-5 2015. This workshop is meant to celebrate Giovanni Bachelet’s 60th birthday… Read More

19th ETSF Workshop on Electronic Excitations

19th ETSF Workshop on Electronic Excitations: Complex systems in Biology and Nanoscience I’m one of the organizer of the workshop “19th ETSF Workshop on Electronic Excitations: Complex systems in Biology and Nanoscience” that will be held in Zaragoza (Spain) from Septembre 23th to Septembre 26th.

Review on GW and Bethe-Salpeter for molecular systems

We just published a new review on GW and Bethe-Salpeter (BSE) for molecules. In the review we discuss electronic excitations both in TDDFT and  in the Green’s function approach.  The successes and failures of the different methods are presented. In particular we focused on charge-transfer excitations for which the photoexcited electron and the hole left… Read More