Author Archives: attacc


This year I participated to the cake contest organized in Marseille for the PI-day.  Although my cake the PI-ramisù has reported considerable success I did not win the competition.  I enjoyed the PI-day, next year I will try again  to win the competition with a better cake. Here below a photo of the other cakes.  During… Read More

Yambo input file for GW calculations explained

Example of a yambo input file for GW calculation in a solid. In order to generate the following input file you can use the command “yambo -g n -p p -V par” with yambo 4.0.2 (and with yambo 3.4.2  “yambo -g n -p p”).   gw0 # [R GW] GoWo Quasiparticle energy levels ppa #… Read More

Theoretical Spectroscopy Meeting at Roscoff

The GDR-REST (Research group on Theoretical Spectroscopy)  is organizing its first general meeting from the 23rd to the 27th of May 2016, here the website for all details. The GDR-REST meeting aims to bring together different communities of theoretical spectroscopy which are/were historically separated, but unified under a very precise and important subject: the excited-states… Read More

Reasonable parameters for Yambo calculations

Here I report some advices to choose reasonable parameters in order to converge different kind of calculations with the Yambo code. The following parameters are a reasonable recommendation. However you have to remember that convergence can be different from system to system, so you should check your calculations and not use the following parameters blindly…. Read More

Theory Seminars at CINAM (Marseille)

Since October 2015 I’m in charge of the Theory Seminars at CINAM. If you are in Marseille and you are interested in Condensed Matter Physics, have a look to our seminar page. We organize a new seminar every two weeks, with internal or invited speakers. If you would like to present your research in our… Read More

Quantum Espresso and Yambo input files

This is my small collection of Quantum Espresso (PWSCF) and Yambo input files that I used in my papers or for different testing purposes. I cannot give any warranty whatsoever these files are correct and fit your actual needs. Carbon nanotubes: 7×7, 4×2, 10×10, 1×10 Carbon nanoribbons: ANGR7 Diamond Donor Acceptor Complexes from ref. Appl. Phys. Lett…. Read More