Author Archives: attacc


I participate to the research group GDR REST (REncontres de Spectroscopie Theorique). Our project aims to bring together different communities of theoretical spectroscopy in order to establish the state-of-the-art approaches on the market, share knowledge, identify important issues and unresolved problems, and indicate future directions.There are several approaches to the study of elementary excitations, the… Read More

Non­Linear Optics and Nanoplasmonics Symposia at the Psi-k conference

This year I organize the “Non­Linear Optics of Materials and Nanoplasmonics Symposia” at the PSI-K conference in San Sebastian, together with Myrta Grüning and Valerie Veniard. We selected the following people as invited speakers: Stefano Corni, FJ Vidal and Pablo García, Alberto Castro, Stefano Ossicini and Kazuhiro Yabana. I invite all people interested in non-linear optics… Read More

My CNRS project and presentation

In 2009 I passed the CNRS competition for a research position in section 3, condensed matter theory. Since that year many friends of mine asked me a copy of my scientific research project and the slides of the presentation. Now I decided to make them available online, in such a way to help people that… Read More

Rejected ANR projects

Since I’m in France, I submitted different projects to the ANR and other funding agencies, and I must say, with little success. In this post I decided to publish and share some of these projects that have not been accepted. I hope they could serve as  a model to other researchers, or perhaps as an… Read More

Optical properties of Cu-chalcogenide photovoltaic absorbers from self-consistent GW and the Bethe-Salpeter equation

We pubblised a new paper1 on the optical properties of Cu-chalcogenide photovoltaic absorbers. In this manuscript we  calculate the optical response of the less studied, but promising, Cu2ZnGe(S,Se)4 compounds, opening the way to predictive calculations of still unknown materials by means of self-consistent GW plus Bethe-Salpeter equations. Moreover in this paper we solved the problem… Read More

Strong second harmonic generation in SiC, ZnO, GaN two-dimensional hexagonal crystals from first-principles many-body calculations

We published a new paper on the second harmonic generation(SHG) in two-dimensional hexagonal crystals SiC, ZnO and GaN. The SHG is calculated within the so called GW plus Bethe-Salpter formalism, using a real-time implementation proposed by some of us. We found that these system present a large region with a strong SHG before the absorption… Read More

Exploring approximations to the GW self-energy ionic gradients

A new paper is out on the different approximation in  GW  for the electron-phonon couping matrix elements. In particular we tested two approximation the static screening (COHSEX) and the constant screening respect to the phonon displacement. We found that the first approximation miserably fails to reproduce the G0W0 results while the second introduce a negligible… Read More

Graphene research is slowly fading away

After the discover of graphene in 2014 by Geim and Novoselov that got the Nobel price in 2010, scientists have worked hard to investigate all possible properties and possible uses of this material. At the beginning graphene was proposed as possible candidate to substitute silicon in electronics, due its extreme high conductivity. However differently from… Read More

Computer Simulations for condensed phase systems: from correlated electrons to novel materials

    Dear Friends and Colleagues, in the occasion of Giovanni Bachelet’s 60th birthday, you are warmly invited to the workshop  “Computer Simulations for condensed phase systems: from correlated electrons to novel materials” to be held at the CNR Headquarters in Rome, on May 4-6, 2015. The talks, on invitation only, will be given by… Read More