- Small vibrations: introductory course on phonons in solids
- Real-time spectroscopies (Theoretical Spectroscopy Lectures 2024)
- Electron-phonon coupling a Yambo overview [ODP, YouTube, Video] (ICTP Yambo school 2022)
- QE tutorials (PhD school Marseille 2022)
- Approximations in DFT 1/2 [ODP] (PhD school Marseille 2022)
- Approximations in DFT 2/2 [ODP] (PhD school Marseille 2022)
- Real-time Spectroscopy [ODP, YouTube] (Theoretical Spectroscopy School 2022)
- The Bethe-Salpeter Equation [ODP] (CECAM Yambo school 2021)
- Linear response theory [ODP] (CECAM Yambo school 2021)
- Real-time Many-Body and Berry phase for non-linear optics [ODP] (ICTP school 2020)
- Theoretical Lecture Notes: real-time spectroscopy 1 [ODP]
- Theoretical Lecture Notes: real-time spectroscopy 2 [ODP]
- DFT and QuantumEspresso [DFT1 and DFT2]
- Linear response theory and TDDDFT [ODP]
- Solving TD-DFT/BSE equations with Lanczos-Haydock approach [ODP]
- BSE and TD-DFT at work [ODP]
- Neutral Electronic Excitations: a Many-body approach to the optical absorption spectra [ODP]
- Introduction to Quantum Monte Carlo [ODP]
- Introduction to Diffusion Monte Carlo [ODP]
- Resonating Valence Bond wave function for high pressure hydrogen