- Non-linear electron dynamics in solids [ODP] (Lausanne 2023)
- Luminescence of monolayer h-BN: exciton-phonon coupling and the role of substrate [ODP] (Oleron 2023)
- Luminescence in monolayer hexagonal boron nitride [ODP] (Marseille 2023)
- Non-linear response of solids: recent results and new developments [ODP] (Rüsselsheim 2023)
- Light induced real-time dynamics for electrons [ODP] (Lausanne 2022)
- Computatioanl Material Science [ODP] (Aix-Marseille Univ. 2022)
- A squashed and squeezed h-BN [ODP] (GDR-HOWDI 2022)
- La Science Ouverte (CINaM) [ODP]
- Exciton-phonon coupling in layered materials: the case of hexagonal boron nitride [ODP](COST action TUMIEE)
- Optical properties of hexagonal boron nitride [ODP] (GDR-REST 2021)
- Recent theoretical development for 2D heterostructures [ODP] (GDR HOWDI 2021)
- Theorie et Simulation Numerique [ODP] (TSN group at CINaM)
- The story of Academic Publishing: from Galileo to Nature [ODP]
- Theory of phonon-assisted luminescence: application to h-BN [ODP]
- Invisible excitations and the story of luminescence in hexagonal Boron Nitride [ODP]
- Direct/indirect band gap and exciton dispersion: monolayer and bulk hexagonal boron nitride
- Invisible excitations in hexagonal Boron Nitride [ODP]
- Invisible excitons in hexagonal Boron Nitride [ODP]
- Scientific Publising and SciPost [ODP]
- Lumen: an ab-initio code for non-linear response in solids [ODP]
- What is the nature of the C-C complex in silicon? Insights from electronic structure calculations [ODP]
- Impact of electronic correlation on the electron-phonon coupling [ODP]
- Nonlinear response of solids within the GW plus Bethe-Salpeter approximation [ODP ]
- Ab-initio real-time spectroscopy: application to non-linear optics [ODP]
- Non-linear optics by means of dynamical Berry phase [ODP]
- Yambo: present, past and future [ODP]
- Graphene as tunable electron-phonon material [ODP]
- Electron-Phonon Coupling in graphene [ODP]
- Ab-initio molecular dynamics for high pressure Hydrogen [ODP]
- Phonon-assisted luminescence in hBN monolayer from first principles
- Ab initio study of graphene/hBN Van der Waals heterostructures: from bilayer to four layers coincidence lattices
- Phonon-assisted Luminescence in hexagonal BN [ODG]
- Chemical reactions by means of an STM: a new route to synthesize Tetraazapentacene [ODG]
- Direct and indirect excitations in boron nitride: atomic structure and electronic correlations [SVG]
- Exciton interference in hexagonal boron nitride [PDF]
- Modelling excitons in bulk and single-layer hBN [PDF]
- First-Principles Investigation of Functionalized Metal-Organic Frameworks [PDF]
- Excitons, lifetime and Drude tail within the current-current response framework [ODG, PDF]
- Dielectrics in a time-dependent electric field: density-polarization functional theory approach [ODG, PDF]
- GW renormalization of the electron-phonon interaction [ODG, PDF]
- FIESTA: French Initiative for Electronic Simulations with Thousands of Atoms [ODG, PDF]
- Non-linear response of low dimensional structures [ODG, PDF]
- Mott-Hubbard transition in a hydrogen chain: a Quantum Monte Carlo study
- Gate-tunable light-emitting device made of boron nitride nanotubes: from ultraviolet to the visible defective
Coupling of excitons and defect states in boronnitride nanostructures
- A real-time approach to optical properties in solids: time-dependent Bethe-Salpeter equation