- Max news: Investigating Luminescence in Monolayer Hexagonal Boron Nitride: Examining Exciton-Phonon Interaction and Substrate Influence (03/2024)
Highlight of the CINaM laboratory: Electrical monitoring of organic crystal phase transition using MoS2 field effect transistor (6/3/2023)- Highlight of the CINaM laboratory: On-surface chemistry using local high electric fields (03/2022)
- PSI-K highlight No. 154 “Non-linear response of solids and nanostructures: a real-time prospective“, March 2022
- Our manuscript “On-surface chemistry using local high electric fields” has been selected for a new online collection featuring articles linked to the upcoming Nanocar Race II.(2022)
- Optical absorption spectra of MOF–5 and its photo–switching variant, ETSF Scientific Highlight, 12/2021
- Online video on luminescence in h-BN (Recent develop. in QMC, Rome 2021)
Our manuscript has been choosen as cover for Nanoscale Advanced [PDF] (09/2021)
- Computational School on Electronic Excitations in Novel Materials Using the Yambo Code (PSI-k report, 07/2020)
- TurboRVB et l’héritage de P. W. Anderson , news at CINaM (06/2020)
- Researchers have developed a first-principles quantum Monte Carlo package called “TurboRVB” a new article on AlphaGalileo (06/2020)
- The story of scientific publishing at the Young Research Meeting in Roma 2019 (06/2020)
- TurboRVB on the GDR-Meetic newsletter (02/20)
- Yambo fait peau neuve! (CINaM highlights 06/19)
- Youtube video of my presentation of the “Story of academic publishing” at the Young Research Meeting in Rome. (06/19)
- Many-body perturbation theory calculations using the yambo code, Max News (04/19)
- PSI-k report: Theoretical Spectroscopy Lectures (11/18)
- The OPTEL2D project “Opto-electronic properties of 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenides with DFT and post-DFT simulations” has been awarded of 49.5 millions hours! (05/18)
- The 10/2/2017 I got my “Habilitation à diriger des recherches“
- EUSpec Newletter No.3 (06/16): Development of an ab-initio code for the electro-optical response
- Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics with Quantum Monte Carlo (2015)
- CECAM Workshop Scientific Report: Gutzwiller Wave Functions and Related Methods (2015)
- Néel Institut Highlights 2014: Tunable light emission from a boron nitride nanotube device
- Video from the Correlation Meeting 2014 of my talk “GW renormalization of the electron-phonon coupling”
- The FIESTA project
AERES Highlights (2014)
- The FIESTA project
- Ab-initio non-linear optics
AERES Highlights (2014)
- Ab-initio non-linear optics
- “Trends in Condensed Matter Physics: Is Research Going Faster and Faster?“
is the leading article for the Volume 3, Issue 1 of Journal of Unsolved Problems (2013)
- “Trends in Condensed Matter Physics: Is Research Going Faster and Faster?“
- Recensione di “Freescience.info” nel numero 27 della rivista Green (2012)
- Recensione di “Fisici Around the World” su Scientificando
Carnevale della Fisica (2012)
- Recensione di “Fisici Around the World” su Scientificando
- A Case Study of Low-Dimensional Metal-Insulator TRansition
HPC report (2011)
- A Case Study of Low-Dimensional Metal-Insulator TRansition
- Substitutional carbon impurity on the nitrogen sublattice of a boron-nitride monolayer.
Kaleidoscope Image (June 2011)
- Substitutional carbon impurity on the nitrogen sublattice of a boron-nitride monolayer.
- Un equipo del centro Korta crea un material a escala nanomètrica
El Diario Vasco (2010)
- Un equipo del centro Korta crea un material a escala nanomètrica
- Dirac cone revealed
PRB Editors’ Suggestions (2009)
- Dirac cone revealed
- Electron-Electron Correlation in Graphite
ETSF highlights (2008)
- Electron-Electron Correlation in Graphite
- Freescience.info: a colloquio con Claudio Attaccalite
Intervistato da Agatino Grillo, 21/06/2007
- Freescience.info: a colloquio con Claudio Attaccalite
- Dimensionality effects in the optics of BN nanostructures: applications for optoelectronic devices
Donostia International Physics Center, Highlights 2006/2007
- Dimensionality effects in the optics of BN nanostructures: applications for optoelectronic devices
- Documentazione “Open” dal web Contenuti “chimici”
Dr. Tiziano Vendrame, Ordine dei Chimici della Provincia di Treviso rivista “Il Chimico Italiano” 03/01/2007