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Determinant derivatives
Consider a matrix
, we want find a simple way to express derivatives of the its determinant respect to the matrix elements
The determinant can be expanded in the elements
(D.1) |
is the minor of the matrix
respect to the element
and therefore does not depend explicitly by the elements of the raw
. So the derivative with respect to
will be:
(D.2) |
and for the logarithmic derivative we have:
(D.3) |
We want to find a simple relation to evaluate second derivatives of the determinant. We write the relation
(D.4) |
if we derive this equation for
we obtain:
where we substitute the
with the eq. D.4. Because of this equation is zero for all
this means that the expression in parentheses is zero, and this yields to:
(D.5) |
Next: Error Analysis due to
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Previous: Cusp conditions
Claudio Attaccalite