$$ i \hbar \frac{\partial}{\partial t} | v_{i \mathbf{k}} \rangle = \left( \hat H^{sys}_{\mathbf k} + i e \mathcal{E}(t) \cdot \partial_{\mathbf k} \right ) | v_{i \mathbf{k}} \rangle $$
Where \( | v_{i \mathbf{k}} \rangle \) are the time-dependent valence bands, \( H^{sys}_{\mathbf k} \) is the Hamiltonian, \( \mathcal{E}(t)\) is the external field and the term \( i e \partial_{\mathbf k} \) corresponds to the dipole operator in periodic systems. For more details on this last term see references [2-3].
Differently from other codes the equation of motion of Lumen are in the length gauge and not in the velocity one. If you want to know more about advantages and disadvantages of the two gauges read section 2.7 of ref. [8].
The Hamiltonian and the initial wave-functions are obtained from DFT. Then in order to obtain linear and non-linear response the system
is excited with a sinusoidal laser field and the time dependent polarization is calculated. Hereafter a schematic representation of the calculations:
In the previous equation the model Hamiltonian chosen for \( H^{\text{sys}}_{\mathbf k} \) determines the level of approximation in the description of correlation effects in the linear and nonlinear spectra.
Lumen code can use different models for the system Hamiltonian:
where \( \mathcal{E}^s(t) \) is the Kohn-Sham macroscopic field (see ref.[5-6]).
Non-linear susceptibilities
During the time evolution the bulk polarization is calculated by means of King-Smith Vanderbilt formula (ref. [7]) and the nonlinear susceptibilities are obtained by
inversion of the Fourier matrix as described in ref. [3]: $$ P=P^0 + \chi^{(1)} E + \chi^{(2)} E^2 + \chi^{(3)} E^3 + O(E^4)$$
Notice that the finite broadening in the spectra is obtained by adding a dephasing operator in the original Hamiltonian (ref. [3]).