
My publication list is available on Scholar Google:


  1. Light emitting source and method for emitting light based on boron nitride nanotubes
    A. Rubio, C. Attaccalite, L. Wirtz


  1. Non-linear response in extended systems: a real-time approach
    Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR), Marseille France (2016)
  2. RVB phase of hydrogen at high pressure: towards the first ab-initio Molecular Dynamics by Quantum Monte Carlo PDF, HTML
    C. Attaccalite, PhD THESIS: SISSA/ISAS Trieste Italy, 2005
  3. Metal-superconductive-insulator transition in multiband Hubbard model within the Gutzwiller wave functions
    C. Attaccalite, MASTER THESIS: SISSA/ISAS, Trieste, 2002
  4. Energia di correlazione, diagramma di fase del gas 2D.
    C. Attaccalite, BACHELOR THESIS: “La Sapienza” University 2001

Theses of students I supervised or collaborated with